Astronaut william, first to capture earth from moon’s orbit, died in plane crash

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By Sana Kahn

NewYork (Pakistan News Online) American astronaut who took a picture of Earth from the moon’s orbit dies in plane crash at the age of 90.

William Anders was an astronaut with the American space and research agency NASA, who served on the Apollo 8 space mission.

William Anders was among the first three astronauts of Apollo 8 who traveled from Earth’s last orbit towards the moon.

The former NASA astronaut took a picture of Earth from the moon’s orbit, which also included a part of the moon’s surface.

This picture was named “Earthrise” and was taken on December 24, 1968, during the Apollo 8 mission.

According to reports, William Anders was piloting a small plane that crashed and fell into the sea in the American state of Washington. The astronaut’s death was confirmed by his son.

The U.S. Coast Guard reported that after several hours of effort, William Anders’ body was retrieved from the sea.

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