Employee who harassed Chief Justice at Crusteez Donuts identified


Islamabad (Pakistan News Online) A video recently went viral on social media showing an employee of “Crusteez Donuts” verbally abusing Pakistan’s Chief Justice, Qazi Faez Isa, using inappropriate language. The video sparked outrage, prompting the restaurant to issue a clarification. Anchorperson Mansoor Ali Khan provided further insights into the incident, revealing that the employee responsible … Read more

What is Crusteez Donuts and why is it trending?


Islamabad (Pakistan News Online) A video is going viral on social media which shows a cashier at one of Islamabad’s popular eateries ‘Crusteez Donuts’ in Blue Area making abusive remarks towards Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa. According to details, It spread like wildfire through the social networks just before it showed how the cashier refused … Read more