Rawalpindi (Pakistan News online) The verdict in the £190 million case against Imran Khan was announced, Accountability Court Judge Nasir Javed Rana announced the verdict, PTI founder was sentenced to 14 and Bushra Bibi to 7 years in prison, after which Bushra Bibi was also arrested, and Al-Qadir University was ordered to take official custody.
According to the details, the £190 million case was heard in Adiala Jail Rawalpindi, PTI founder was presented in the courtroom, PTI founder Bushra Bibi’s wife was also present in the courtroom. The court also sentenced PTI founder PPTI to a fine of Rs 1 million and Bushra Bibi to Rs 5 million. In default, the accused will have to serve another six months in prison.
The court said in the verdict that the founder of PTI is sentenced for misuse of power, Bushra Bibi supported the founder of PTI in his illegal activities, Al-Qadir University is given to the custody of the federal government. Bushra Bibi was taken into custody from the courtroom itself, Bushra Bibi was taken into custody by the jail staff.
The founder of PTI was sentenced under Section 10-A of the NAB Ordinance 1999, the verdict said that the founder of PTI is proven guilty, the founder of PTI was found involved in corruption, if convicted, 14 years of rigorous imprisonment and a fine of Rs 1 million are imposed. In case of non-payment of the fine, the founder of PTI will have to serve another 6 months in prison.
The verdict further states that Bushra Bibi is found guilty of aiding and abetting the crime, Bushra Bibi is sentenced to 7 years of rigorous imprisonment under NAB Ordinance 10A, Bushra Bibi is sentenced to a fine of Rs. 500,000, and in case of non-payment of the fine, she will undergo another 3 months of imprisonment.
The verdict further states that Al-Qadir Trust University is confiscated by the government, Al-Qadir University is given to the custody of the federal government.
Speaking to the media outside Adiala Jail after the verdict, Barrister Gohar said that we were not surprised by the verdict, the PTI founder laughed at the accountability court’s verdict, Bushra Bibi also smiled after hearing the verdict.
After the verdict, Bushra Bibi’s belongings were taken outside Adiala Jail. The belongings include blankets, food items, clothes and medicines. The jail authorities allowed Bushra Bibi’s belongings to be brought inside.
It is worth mentioning that the accountability court had reserved the verdict in the 190 million pound reference on December 18, 2024. The date of the verdict in the reference was postponed three times. First, the court set the date for December 23, then January 6, then January 13 and then January 17.
The trial of the 190 million pound reference lasted for 1 year in Adiala Jail. NAB recorded the statements of 35 witnesses. The defense lawyers completed the cross-examination of all the witnesses. The important witnesses included former Chief Minister KP Pervez Khattak and former Principal Secretary Azam Khan.
Former Federal Minister Zubaida Jalal and Chief Financial Officer of Al-Qadir University were also among the witnesses.