Pakistan gave shaheen missile to Iran? reality revealed

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By Sana Kahn

Islamabad, tehran (Pakistan News) anti pakistan sentiments are propagating that Pakistan Gave shaheen missile to iran but its baseless propaganda against the country, Pakistan is a responsible country and is well aware of its responsibilities in the matter of nuclear technology too.

according to details, spokes person of pakistan’s foreign office Mumtaz Zahra Baloch cleared the air and catagorically rejected the speculations in this regard during weekly briefing. “There is no truth in the news of Pakistan giving Shaheen missiles to Iran” she told.

she further stated that acting foreign minister of iran made telephonic contact with Deputy Prime minister and foreign minister after iran israel conflict, acting foriegn minister of both countries also met during Extraordinary meetings of the OIC, Pakistan will continue his efforts for peace in the region.

She reaffirmed the commitment of Pakistan to providing diplomatic and moral support to the Kashmiri people, also condemned the Indian media’s ongoing propaganda against Pakistan.

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