Woman bites off boyfriend’s sensitive body part during romance

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By Sana Kahn

Barcelona (Pakistan News) Around the world, strange and shocking events often leave people in disbelief. One such incident recently caught the public’s attention when a woman, Eudia Lopez, a model by profession, bit off her boyfriend Aaron’s tongue during a final kiss, rendering him permanently mute.

According to reports, Lopez had expressed a desire to give her boyfriend a final kiss before ending their relationship. Speculations arose that Lopez fled to Thailand immediately after the incident. However, investigations revealed that the 26-year-old Spanish model was in Costa Brava Resort in Northern Barcelona the previous night. Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested her.

Lopez was sentenced to six years in prison for the heinous crime. She was given a fifteen-day grace period to present any substantial evidence to avoid the sentence but instead chose to flee, failing to provide any proof within the given timeframe. Upon her arrest, Lopez claimed that her boyfriend had been abusive, prompting her drastic action. However, the judge found Lopez guilty and sentenced her accordingly.

The incident occurred in 2016 when Lopez was 18, and Aaron was 40. A neighbor who heard Aaron’s screams rushed to his aid and found him bleeding profusely from his mouth. Aaron was immediately taken to the hospital, where doctors managed to stop the bleeding. The couple had met and communicated online.

Now permanently without a tongue, Aaron faces numerous challenges, including the inability to distinguish between sweet and salty tastes, having lost his sense of taste completely.


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