Fourth wife of famous fashion designer reached court against him

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Lahore (Pakistan News online) The fourth wife of famous fashion designer of Pakistan’s fashion industry Mahmood Bhatti, has reached court against him.

According to the, Mahmood Bhatti’s wife has filed a claim for a monthly maintenance of Rs 1 million, accusing him of lying to her about his previous marriages and also entering false details in the marriage certificate.

According to the petitioner, she married fashion designer Mahmood Bhatti on March 10, 2022 in Lahore, after which her husband started behaving cruelly towards her.

The fashion designer’s alleged wife told the court that Mahmood Bhatti had written one marriage and three children in the marriage certificate, however, when the marriage was registered in France, it was found that he had already divorced three women.

Woman Named Humaira further told the court that her husband kicked her out of the house 6 months ago and did not fulfill her rights despite repeated contacts.

Humaira pleaded in the court that she was forced to live in her parents’ house due to her husband’s eviction and requested that the court should issue an order to pay non-maintenance to her husband.

It should be noted that the Family Court judge has issued a summons to Mahmood Bhatti for March 20.

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