Mumbai (Pakistan News online) Bollywood actress Tripti Dimri, who rose to fame with the film Animal, has finally broken her silence on the ongoing speculations about her relationship with Sam Merchant and has left these rumors at the mercy of her fans by making more vague statements.
In a recent interview, Tripti Dimri has said that sometimes these rumors affect me a lot. These rumors really bother me because I love my freedom. I miss the days when I could walk on the streets without worrying about anything or wearing a mask.
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Triptii Dimri has said that despite the constant rumors of dating Sam Merchant, I remain focused on my career and remain loyal to my work. In a recent interview, Tripti Damri did not clearly confirm or deny the rumors of dating Sam.
tripti dimri relationships
It may be recalled that rumors of an ongoing romance between actress Tripti and Sam Merchant gained momentum when the pair were spotted together on a holiday in Finland to celebrate the New Year.
The two also shared glimpses of their travels on Instagram, and these posts created excitement among the couple’s fans.
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