Mumbai (Pakistan News online) Bollywood’s famous actress and model Sangeeta Bijlani recently spoke openly about her past relationship with Salman Khan, she made this revelation during Indian Idol 15, where she was a guest.
During the show, when she was asked about her past relationship with Salman Khan, Sangeeta said, “Yes, that is not a lie.”
Her statement confirmed all the rumors that had been circulating for many years. Sangeeta and Salman Khan were in a serious relationship for many years since 1989.
News of Sangeeta and Salman’s marriage has been the center of media attention in the past, but this marriage could never become a reality, Sangeeta said that after this relationship, big changes took place in her personal life and she became stronger.
Sangeeta’s candid revelations impressed her fans, who appreciated her honesty and mature perspective. These revelations were not only important for her fans but also became an interesting news for Bollywood fans.