NASA recognizes Pakistani expert Abu Bakar for finding system flaws

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By Sarika Mitra

New York (Pakistan News Online) NASA has recognized the efforts of Pakistani cybersecurity expert Muhammad Abu Bakar, awarding him for identifying a security weakness in their system.

According to details, The 23-year-old white-hat hacker from Quetta received a letter from NASA, acknowledging and thanking him for his contributions. Muhammad Abu Bakar explained that he discovered the loophole in Nasa’s system BugCrowd, a platform where companies invite ethical hackers to identify and report system weaknesses in exchange for rewards or recognition.

According to Abu Bakar, NASA had presented their system on BugCrowd for testing, where around 40 individuals worldwide have identified flaws so far. After months of effort, Abu Bakar used tools like Google Dorking to find weaknesses in NASA’s system that could give passage to unethical hackers to enter in the company’s system and may try to sabotage it.

NASA accepted the flaw Abu Bakar reported and sent a letter of appreciation, stating, “Your responsible reporting has helped us become aware of unknown threats and strengthened the security of NASA’s information.”

Muhammad Abu Bakar belongs to Quetta, a freelance security researcher and expert in ethical hacking. He completed his early education abroad and studied software engineering at BUITEMS University in Quetta. Abu Bakar has been passionate about IT since his school days and now works as a freelancer.



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