Bilal Qureshi tells the secret of a successful marriage, detials of first meeting with wife Uroosa Qureshi

Karachi (Pakistan News) Bilal Qureshi, a famous actor of the showbiz industry, shared the secret of a successful married life and the details of first meeting with his actress wife Uroosa Qureshi.

According to detail, Bilal Qureshi held a question answer session with fans and answered several questions. Explaining the secret of a successful married life, he wrote that he is afraid of his wife Uroosa bilal qureshi and respects her along with obeying her every word.

The actor advised people to learn to respect their spouse, respect their opinion and listen to their words for a successful marriage. Bilal Qureshi said that there is a 10-year age difference between him and his wife Arusa Qureshi, but marriage has nothing to do with age.



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When the fan asked which of the two of you is older, the actor smiled and said, ‘If my Begum sees this question, she will tell you.’

The actor told a question that first time he met his wife Aroosa Qureshi in 2013, after which she became his soul mate. Bilal Qureshi said that he lives together with his parents and children and is leading a happy life.

On the question of the importance of women, he said that his life is calm and successful because of his mother, sister and wife; women have a great influence on his life.


( Uroosa Qureshi instagram )

It is noteworthy that Uroosa tied the knot in 2015 and become Bilal Qureshi’s wife, and had their first son in 2016 and second son in 2021.

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