How Tik Tok trend created a shortage of cucumbers? Details here

Reykjavík (Pakistan News online) Social media app Tik Tok trend that has gone viral in the European country of Iceland has created a shortage of cucumbers.

Aaj News told citing foreign media that after the video came out, the demand for cucumbers has seen a phenomenal increase and supermarkets are facing difficulties in supply. The demand for cucumbers increased when social media influencers started sharing a salad recipe based on cucumber, sesame oil, garlic, rice, and vinegar and chili oil.

This salad recipe became so popular that Farmers in the country are unable to meet the growing demand for cucumbers ،while sales of other ingredients also increased.

Where cucumbers salad trend started

It can be traced back to Canada, where tik toker Logan Moffat shares recipes for making cucumber salad in different ways and is also known as the “Cucumber Guy”.

However, experts are reluctant to link the shortage of cucumbers in the country to the viral trend, reports added.

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