Every second man offers for marriage, reveals Rabi Pirzada

Lahore (Pakistan News) Pakistani former pop singer, songwriter, television host, artist and calligrapher Rabi Pirzada revealed that every second man offers to marry her۔

Recently in a podcast with Hafiz Ahmed, Rabi Pirzada discussed various topics including marriage proposals and the rising divorce rate in the country.

Rabi Pirzada revealed that I receive many proposals for marriage on daily basis, my foundation has eight to ten phone numbers, so if you look at the messages received on those numbers, in every second message some man or the other has asked me to marry him, it is because men these days prefer glamorous showbiz girls but in my view this is wrong.

The former singer said, “I urge men to think of the simple girls around them, who are also beautiful and waiting for a marriage proposal, instead of the glamorous girls.”

Rabi Pirzada said that men should consider simple girls instead of actresses for marriage, these girls should be valued, one of the major problems in our society is that boys say that girls do not value them because they do not have a good source of income and a job, while girls say that they cannot get married because of their Don’t have the resources to make anything in dowry.

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