Massive reduction in Diesel, Petrol prices announced

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By Sana Kahn

Islamabad (Pakistan News Online ) Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has announced a significant Eid-ul-Adha gift for the public by reducing petroleum product prices by up to 10 rupees.

According to details, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has approved a reduction of 10.20 rupees per liter in petrol prices, while diesel prices have been directed to be reduced by 2.33 rupees.

It should be noted that on June 1st, petrol was reduced to 4.74 rupees and diesel to 3.86 rupees per liter. Earlier today, the Prime Minister also announced a reduction of 10.69 rupees per unit in electricity prices for industries.

On June 1st as well, the Prime Minister had announced a significant reduction in petroleum product prices, but later a notification issued by the Ministry of Finance reflected a moderate reduction.”

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